Local Florist Visits the Netherlands

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Ilja Chapman

Key Largo, FL
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Agency Owner Ilja with her client Dawn Berg

Local Florist Visits the Netherlands for Behind the Scenes Look into the Flower Trad.

Every week, local floral entrepreneur Dawn Berg receives a shipment of boxes from her distributor containing the blossoms she will use to create the artistic bouquets and flower arrangements she sells at her shop, Cherry Blossom Floral Design in Littleton.  

This spring she was thrilled to take a private tour in the Netherlands where most of her blooms are sourced, visiting auction houses where millions of flowers and plants are bought and sold every day, a distribution warehouse, the magnificent flower fields at Keukenhof and colorful flower markets.  “It was inspiring,” she says of her trip. “I learned a lot about the import and export business. I saw how the flowers were grown and learned how the orders come in and how they make their way to their final destination.” 

The tour was arranged by Ilja Chapman, owner of Voyage Blue Travel, who was born and raised in the Netherlands. Ilja has a personal connection to the Dutch floral trade as her dad worked at one of the auction houses, as she did herself for a short time. She remembers that while she was growing up her father often took the family on spring tours of the Keukenhof gardens, famous for their tulip displays. She still delights in visiting the tulip fields each spring and has amassed a collection of over 700 tulip photos! “Keukenhof is amazing,” she says, “plus it was interesting for me to see how the auction house processes had changed and progressed since I worked there many years ago.”   

One of the highlights of the week-long tour was visiting the Royal FloraHolland Aalsmeer auction house, the largest floral exchange in the world. At Aalsmeer, growers sell their blooms to companies who then ship them to distributors who supply flowers to customers all over the world, like Dawn at Cherry Blossom Floral Design. Flowers from more than 50 countries are bought and sold here on a daily basis before making their way to a person’s home via florists like Dawn, supermarkets and other retail outlets.Ilja was able to arrange a behind the scenes tour for Dawn at another auction house, Hilverda De Boer, which specializes in exporting flowers and plants to wholesalers and florist chains. “In the auction room flower customers watch the prices to get the best deals from growers around the world,” says Dawn. “They buy the flowers which are stored in huge cold cases before being shipped to distributors. We also saw flowers being boxed up and going along conveyor belts.”

During the visit to the Netherlands, the women spent two days in Amsterdam where they strolled through the floating flower markets which take up two or three city blocks and are an integral part of the country’s floral trade. “It was an incredible sight,” says Dawn.“My visit to the Netherlands has left me feeling that I have a better understanding of the process that begins with the grower and ends with the flowers I’ve ordered being delivered to my shop,” Dawn says. “I also feel I have a better connection with my counterparts in the Netherlands. If I have a spectacular event coming up where I need specific flowers or plants it’s nice to have that resource to call on.”

This trip was so unique and tailor made to the specific interests of the client. 

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